SLVE Bobcat Club

San Lorenzo Valley Elementary School Parent & Teacher Organization (PTO)

Welcome to the SLVE Bobcat Club!

We are the San Lorenzo Valley Elementary Parent-Teacher Organization (a.k.a. Bobcat Club). We are a non-profit 501(c)(3), and our main objective is to raise money to fund school programs (Art, Ceramics, Life Lab, and Music) and improve our campus. In addition, we also help raise funds for teacher and staff appreciation, teacher supplies, sports equipment, and classroom technology.

For these programs to continue, we rely on our parent volunteers.  There are many opportunities to help, and we appreciate any and all of the time and effort you can donate. We invite you to participate in meetings about how our parent community can best support our school by attending our Bobcat Club Meetings.

Upcoming Events:

August 9 - Coffee with Principal Ponza hosted by the Bobcat Club

Join the Bobcat Club email newsletter! 

You’ll receive important updates about school and club activities.  If you are able to volunteer, please indicate your interests.

2024-25 Fundraising Goal:
$0 / $100,000

Bobcat Meetings: 6:30 PM on the 2nd Tuesday of every other Month in SLVE Library

August 9 - Coffee with Principal Ponza hosted by the Bobcat Club

September 10
November 12
January 14
March 11
May 13

School Calendar